Aspect of the Pack Reminder Submitted by Runnae Just a simple weakaura to show when you have aspect of the pack on, this shows even when someone else has it on so just move it if you dont like the position, or tell them to turn it off. | |
Sniper Training Tracker Submitted by Oninpothecursed Sniper Training Tracker to know when to move and stop so the 4 stacks won't get resetted accidentally. Comes with: Countdown timer, Stacks counter, and Icon. | |
OWTL Rotation Submitted by Amelioration Intended for sealtwist dps owtl but it should also work for the parry ms build yes the popin is super annoying - im working on it but just remember to use exorcist's slash on coo... | |
Winds of Winter Hunter Range Indicator Submitted by Bigasthesun Simple bar displaying your current range bracket from a hostile target. First bar is 0-5 yards. The hunter deadzone. Second bar is 5-8 yards. Out of the deadzone and max ra... | |
Poison Rogue Weakaura pack Submitted by bataturiaa i grouped some useful auras i found and put them together to play poison rogue(not serpent form) ... | |
Fire Singularity Elune S9 WA Submitted by Piatex WA Set for Piatex's Lava Singularity Build on Season 9 Elune. Tracks important uptimes and can be further modified in the Conditions tab to glow your Abilities on bars. | |
Frost Mage Elemental Lord - WEAKAURA PACK Submitted by Johnylepeon If you want a frostmage pack with Fingers of Frost Tracker, Astral Storm, Frostflame Shock aswell as Elemental lord elements, this is the Weakaura you need. Goes together with t... | |
Buff Tracker Submitted by notifikasi Buff Tracker usable to track some buff e,g Cloak of Shadow Pain Suppresion Bloodlust Drums etc enjoy ... | |
All Stat Tracker Submitted by notifikasi Show your Stat for : Damage Modifier Range : Attack power Critical Melee : Attack Power Critical Armor Penetr... |