Aspect of the Pack Reminder Submitted by Runnae Just a simple weakaura to show when you have aspect of the pack on, this shows even when someone else has it on so just move it if you dont like the position, or tell them to turn it off. | |
Coksmokeog's Total Eclipse Package Submitted by nicetauren Full Package WA for Total Eclipse, has visuals for solar and night eclipse. I posted cause i look for these when i start playing a build, and i want to help other people when they do it. Have a goo... | |
Drums Caller Submitted by Tymona Simple Drums Caller Weakaura to better coordinate your partys drums
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Lundh's Shockadin Package Submitted by Lundh Shows Oracle stacks, Beacon + Loyal Light, Shows CD for Healing Wave and Holy Light Generation of Oracle Stacks. I have Oracle + Holy Shock macro on 3. I have Holy Shock + Divine... | |
Mythic+ Boss and Champion package Submitted by Merigold This aura package contains a compilation of warnings for important abilities used by Bosses and Mythic Champions in TBC Mythic+. Also includes a tracker for Invisibility timers. ... | |
Fire Singularity Elune S9 WA Submitted by Piatex WA Set for Piatex's Lava Singularity Build on Season 9 Elune. Tracks important uptimes and can be further modified in the Conditions tab to glow your Abilities on bars. | |
Consumeable Tracking Submitted by Pepega Displays consumeables in your bags as clickable icons - in one WeakAura, no more duplication needed. Customizeable, allows adding/removing of specific consumeables. Inspired by S... | |
Buff Tracker Submitted by notifikasi Buff Tracker usable to track some buff e,g Cloak of Shadow Pain Suppresion Bloodlust Drums etc enjoy ... | |
Buff Tracking Submitted by Pepega Tracks all buffs and debuffs, shows who has/lacks and who last casted it. If you like this or find it useful, check for updates as more functionality will be added. ... | |
Surm's Raid Consumes/Buffs Submitted by Desizt rev 3: Fixed few spell ids Tracks your raid consumables, raidwide buffs and resistances. ... | |
Surm's Raidframe Defensives Tracker Submitted by Desizt Shows the currently active defensive CD, either external or internal on bottom right of the raidframe for all party/raid members. Mainly to avoid overlapping cooldowns. Supports ... | |
Repair Notifiers Submitted by Szyler Adds three different notifiers to repair while raiding. Repair message is customized through the Custom Option tab. One shows whenever your gear is starting to become dam... | |
Healer Mana Tracker w/ warning Submitted by Seankington Weakaura that automatically finds the healer and tracks that healers mana. This weakaura was made with the intention that the user customizes the visuals themselves to their liki... | |
Relocate M+, Manastorm & LFG Frame Submitted by Seankington This weakaura will move the M+, Manastorm and LFG Objective Trackers to the location of the display icon. Simply drag the display icon to where you want the frames. Revisio... |