Quick Facts
  • Level: 245
  • Repair cost: 16 8 75
  • Cannot be disenchanted
  • Cannot be destroyed
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Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
Binds when picked up
Main HandMace
97 - 310 DamageSpeed 1.80
(113.1 damage per second)
+55 Stamina
+57 Intellect
Durability 125 / 125
Requires Level 80
Item Level 245
Equip: Increases spell power by 621.
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 50 (1.09% @ L80).
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 49 (1.49% @ L80).
Equip: Your healing spells have a chance to cause Blessing of Ancient Kings for 15 sec allowing your heals to shield the target absorbing damage equal to 15% of the amount healed.
Equip: Increases PvE Power by 48.
"The power of creation courses through this weapon."



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