Quick Facts
  • Level: 79 - 80
  • Required levels: 75, 77
  • Territory: Contested
  • Number of players: 5
  • Location: Tanaris
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The Culling of Stratholme

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80The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
80The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
80The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HBeast
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
Brock Thriss
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
1Elwynn Forest, Arathi Highlands, Eversong Woods, …A HCritter
80The Culling of StratholmeA HDragonkin
80The Culling of StratholmeA HDragonkin
The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead
79 - 80
The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
5Elwynn Forest, Western Plaguelands, Alterac Mountains, …A HCritter
77 - 80
The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead
70The Culling of StratholmeA HBeast
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
Emery Neill
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead
1Elwynn Forest, Grizzly Hills, The Culling of StratholmeA HCritter
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
George Goodman
<General Goods>
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
Leeka Turner
<Shields and Maces>
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
80The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
Mal Corricks
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HMechanical
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
Rare Elite
Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, The Culling of Stratholme, …A HNot specified
70The Culling of StratholmeA HBeast
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
80 - 81
The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead
Patricia O'Reilly
<Magistrate Assistant>
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HBeast
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
1Dun Morogh, Duskwood, Wetlands, …A HCritter
1Elwynn Forest, Stranglethorn Vale, Alterac Mountains, …A HCritter
80The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead
1Western Plaguelands, Desolace, Stonetalon Mountains, …A HCritter
Robert Pierce
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
3Elwynn Forest, Alterac Mountains, Loch Modan, …A HCritter
Silvio Perelli
<Traveling Salesman>
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
Sophie Aaren
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
1Utgarde Keep, Howling Fjord, Utgarde Pinnacle, …A HCritter
Stephanie Sindree
<Fruit and Fish Vendor>
70The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
77 - 79The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
80The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
78 - 79The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
80The Culling of StratholmeA HHumanoid
79 - 80
The Culling of StratholmeA HUndead


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