Quick Facts
  • Author: Meralman
  • Revision: 1
  • Last Update: October 8, 2024
  • Views: 213
  • Installs: 50
Guide Copy Import String

Worgen Goldrinn's Aura

In this aura we have everything we need to play well in our Worgen Build:

  1. Textures to warn us about our current buffs
  2. Glows in our current empowered abilities (but you need to place the position of you ability in your aura. The same aura explain how to do it)
  3. Warning when we have 5 combo points
  4. Dot Management: We can see the missing dots and their remaining time

Aura menú (very well organized)


Dot track (know if you miss one and their duration)


Button Glow (know the ability you must use)


Texture Buff (make everything even more visual)



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