Changelog For "Season 9 Elune - New Player Information"
- Status set to Approved: 2024/01/26 at 17:28 PM
- 2024/01/26 at 15:39 PM: Overhaul, more additions By ParkingLotBird
- Status set to Waiting for Approval: 2024/01/26 at 15:39 PM
- Status set to Approved: 2024/01/26 at 14:32 PM
- 2024/01/26 at 14:32 PM: Fixed the imgur image links. By Paroxs
- Status set to Waiting for Approval: 2024/01/26 at 14:32 PM
- Status set to Approved: 2024/01/24 at 21:49 PM
- 2024/01/24 at 14:12 PM: Attempting to fix images, also adding flare By ParkingLotBird
- Status set to Waiting for Approval: 2024/01/24 at 14:12 PM
- Status set to Approved: 2024/01/22 at 18:35 PM
- Status set to Waiting for Approval: 2024/01/21 at 20:31 PM
- Created: 2024/01/21 at 20:31 PM