Healer Mana Tracker w/ warning
Weakaura that automatically finds the healer and tracks that healers mana.
This weakaura was made with the intention that the user customizes the visuals themselves to their liking.
I made this weakaura for another player and figured I would share should anyone else be interested.
In "Custom Options" there are 2 sliders available to adjust the threshold for the warning.
The warning text can be entirely remade with textures/icons or whatever you prefer - simply make a new warning popup you'd like to use then in trigger you copy exactly how the "Warning" component has it's triggers setup and the weakaura will handle showing/hiding the warning.
Currently this weakaura only works for 5-man dungeons/instances.
Should you have any questions regarding this weakaura, or if you would like something added do not hesitate to reach out to me.
@Seankington on Discord/Elune