Toggled Buff tracker
Simple Aura that Tracks whether or not you have an abilitity/buff learned that can be toggled on and notifies you if it is not enabled.
Currently has:
Weapon Enchant for Main Hand + Off Hand (Off hand is set to never load by default. Change this if you aren't a tank or caster)
Blessing of Might / Kings
Battle Shout
Mark of the Wild
Power Word: Fortitude
Vampire Lord
Aspect of the Monke + Beast + Hawk
Devotion Aura
Righteous Fury
Mana-Forged Barrier
Defensive Stance
Seal of Command
One with the Light
Crimson Champion
Soul Link
Demon + Fel Armor
Frost + Molten + Mage Armor
Demonic + Molten + Nimble + Twisted Mind
Moonkin Form
Inner Fire