Serpent Form WeakAuras By Nymark
This is my take on the Serpent Form weakauras, i hope you will find them usefull.
This weakaura pack includes:
Tracking of cooldowns:
- Berserk
- Goldrinn's Fury
- Tiger's Fury
- Hunger For Blood
- Gurubashi Rage
- Arcane Power
- Blade Flurry
Tracking of bleeds and buffs:
- Slice and Dice
- Mangle
- Curse of the Elements
- Rake
- Puncture
- Rip
- Wrathful Strikes
- Serpent Venom
Clickable raid buffs and apply weapon poison:
- Windfury Totem
- Deadly Poison
- Instant Poison
- Easy to edit general raid buffs such as, (Kings, Mark ect)
Tracking of your movement increasing buffs
- Stampeding Roar
- Dash
- Unchained Blink
- Charge
- Sprint
- Mana Storm Speed Buff
Also features an energy bar and combo point indicator.
Edit: Added Shamanistic rage tracker and some manastorm item trackers
Feel free to send me a message if you have questions
ingame Name: Nymarrk
discord liltiggy
Special thanks to:
This is a combined and editet version of the two pack they made editet and added things to how i like my auras to look
When you import the weakaura group, you will have to go to the weakaura addon with "/wa" then click on the "Load" tab and then select the specialization your currently in for the weakaura to load, it it made this way to decrease the amount of memory that weakauras are using in the background while your playing a diffent spec