One With The Light Stack/Proc Trackers
One With The Light WA - Created by Drakoak
It tracks Seal of Vengeance stacks on target, Empowered Light (holy fire cast time reduction ability given by OWTL) stacks, Holy Specialization talent stacks, and Art of War ret pally talent proc (when it's active you'll see 2 glowing yellow semi circle beams around your character, it was meant to mimic the holy energy model).
Any questions or suggestions reach out in the db.ascension comments, to Drakoak on area52, or my discord is drakoak. (don't forget the period at the end opf username as it's part of the username). Thanks!
UPDATE: Now tracks Sanctity of Battle talent as well (Empowered next ability from Exorcism, Holy fire guaranteed crit)
Unfortunately, it will not activate and I think it is because it's tracking One With The Light as a mystic enchant. It became a talent on Elune, same with The Art of War and Empowered Light.
I've been trying to see what I need to change for it to proc, but so far, when I write the names of the talent, it keeps telling me invalid ID or something.