Quick Facts
  • Author: Miv
  • Revision: 14
  • Last Update: June 14, 2024
  • Views: 2886
  • Installs: 1150
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Auto-Summon Premium Pets

  1. If have Wonderball: Summons Wonderball first 15 seconds of dungeon and after LFG complete. 
  2. If have Loot bot: Summoners Loot bot in open world / after 15 seconds in the dungeon.
  3. If have Book of Ascension: Summons book in town/while flagged afk/ if you don't have the other two pets.


  • Add other pets and conditions.
  • Add toggle to summon during combat or not.
  • Add toggle for pets.
  • Handle Loot Transfigurator
  • Better manastorm usage


  • Add custom timing for Wisdomball.

7/15/2023 - Fixed a lot of logic bugs. Shouldn't keep book out longer than it should when leveling.

6/5/2024 - Fixed a lot more logic bugs, optimized quite a bit. Still having issues with manual summoning of pets. Added support for Cogsley but could not test.

6/6/2024 - Fixed bug with having multiple book of ascensions.

6/7/2024 - Rev11 - Fixed bug causing it to summon loot bot in city.

6/10/2024 - Rev12 - Complete rewrite (well a bit still needs cleaned up). Should be functioning better than before. Added options for custom save zone pet, loot transfigurator (currently a toggle), and optional combat check. Check Custom options.

6/13/2024 - Rev13 - Major change: It only summons on zone changes, so if you manually summon a pet that pet will stay out forever until you change it or change zones. Temp Bug: On level up, won't summon skill book, On dungeon end, won't summon quest head.

6/13/2024 - Rev14 - Fixes CoA bug. Reimplements summoning book of ascension on level up.

6/13/2024 - Rev15 - Left debug on whoops, it's off now.





It should have a stealth check so that it doesn't summon a pet while stealthed.




Miv <Author> on 06/03/2024

Sorry, I wasn't playing, so I didn't see that. I'm back now though, so I'll look into this and making other improvements.




would be nice to be able to set a custom spawn time on this? as when i spawn the "Cogsley" vendor pet it keeps summing the loot bot too quickly!




Miv <Author> on 06/03/2024

Sorry Cogsley wasn't around when I did this, but I'll definitely be implementing him. I'll look into doing custom a delay as well.




Miv <Author> on 06/10/2024

Still working on the custom spawn time, but cogsley should summon at the beginning of each stage (except the first one)




it deploys other pets. Never does it deploy Lootbot 3000




I'm standing in Ogrimar and it switched between the Book and Loot bot constantly, is this a bug? Or is there anything I could do to fix this?




Miv <Author> on 06/08/2024

It's a bug, I actually just noticed it myself today. I need to fix it. I was rewriting the code for efficiency, seems I made a mistake somewhere.




Miv <Author> on 06/08/2024

Try again once rev11 (rev10) is approved.




TheGreatestDonat on 06/08/2024

Nice! Will have an eye out on when it gets approved! :)




Do you happen to know a way to switch what pet is summoned when? Specifically asking about the Treasure Keeper pet (walking bank), and I suppose just to be able to swap things out whenever seems right? Super big fan of this though, awesome idea!




NotYourDoctor on 06/09/2024

I was thinking whenever in a main city, Orgrimmar and whatnot, basically just using the treasure keeper instead of the Book of Ascension




Miv <Author> on 06/09/2024

I'm still working on the code for manual summoning. At some point I plan to make everything configurable. When would you like treasure keeper to be out, I could probably do that specifically right away. Still working on the code for allowing you to manually swap, that should be easier with the rewrite.




Miv <Author> on 06/10/2024

The new version (rev12) has this option for you, it's on the custom option tab. Be careful to enter a valid pet name (or partial pet name). I don't have input sanitation yet so an invalid pet name will make things not work.




This does not seem to work right atm, I keep getting LUA errors on Elune.


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