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Mental Quickness

Mental QuicknessRank 3
Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast Shaman spells by 6% and increases your spell power by an amount equal to 25% of your attack power.

Spell Details

Please note that Spell Scaling and PvP Mods may not always be accurate or present.

Duration n/a
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only )
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Add Modifier - % (Cost)
Value: -6

Affected Spells:

Air Elemental Totem
Atal'ai Totem
Rank 1-20
Cleanse Spirit
Cleansing Totem
Cure Toxins
Earth Elemental Totem
Earth Shield
Rank 1-10
Earth Shock
Rank 1-20
Earthbind Totem
Earthliving Weapon
Rank 1-12
Feral Spirit
Fire Elemental Totem
Fire Nova
Rank 1-18
Fire Resistance Totem
Rank 1-12
Flame Shock
Rank 1-18
Flametongue Totem
Rank 1-16
Flametongue Weapon
Rank 1-20
Frost Blast
Rank 1-12
Frost Resistance Totem
Rank 1-12
Frost Shock
Rank 1-14
Frostbrand Weapon
Rank 1-18
Frostflame Shock
Rank 1-18
Grounding Totem
Healing Stream Totem
Rank 1-18
Ice Lash
Ice Shock
Rank 1-15
Improved Ghost Wolf
Rank 1
Lava Lash
Lava Sweep
Lesser Riptide
Rank 1
Lightning Blade
Lightning Shield
Rank 1-44
Magma Totem
Rank 1-14
Mana Spring Totem
Rank 1-16
Mana Tide Totem
Nature Resistance Totem
Rank 1-12
Petrification Totem
Rank 1-4
Ragefire Nova
Rank 1-18
Rank 1-13
Rockbiter Weapon
Rank 1-10
Searing Totem
Rank 1-20
Sentry Totem
Stone Shard
Rank 1-20
Stoneclaw Totem
Rank 1-20
Stoneskin Totem
Rank 1-20
Strength of Earth Totem
Rank 1-16
Thunder Hide
Rank 1-22
Tidal Shield
Rank 1-18
Totem of Wrath
Rank 1-8
Tremor Totem
Voltaic Bite
Water Breathing
Water Elemental Totem
Water Shield
Rank 1-18
Water Walking
Wind Strike
Windfury Totem
Wrath of Air Totem
Zulian Guardian
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Spell Power by % of Attack Power (Holy, Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane) [1]
Value: 25
Effect #3 Apply Aura: Mod Healing Power by % of Attack Power (Physical, Holy, Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane)
Value: 30



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