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The Greenwarden
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The Greenwarden

Find the Greenwarden.

Relevant Locations

The entirety of this quest happens in Wetlands.
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You've heard of the Greenwarden? You're not looking for him, are you? Well I say you're crazy if you are, but who am I to keep a fool from <his/her> death?

If you are seeking that beast, then I hear he is in the marsh, east of the road where it forks to Dun Modr. He's lurking there among the crocs...and worse!

And leave your money here. You won't need it where you're going...and you don't want to chip ol' Greenie's tooth on your gold when he bites you in half, do you?



You will receive: 5 10 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 830 experience

You will receive this letter by Rethiel the Greenwarden

Journeyman Riding in Elwynn Forest
Good <Sir/Lady> <name>,

I am writing again to remind you of my services as a riding trainer. Should you wish to learn Journeyman Riding for faster mounts, you need only visit me at the Eastvale Logging Camp, found along the road east out of Stormwind. My fee is a modest 900 gold coins.

If you'd care to purchase a swift mount, the horse breeder Katie Hunter offers a number of noble steeds, each no more than a hundred gold coins.

Yours, Randal Hunter


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