Quick Facts
  • Level: 11
  • Repair cost: 70
  • Disenchantable (1)
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Beaded Britches

Beaded Britches
54 Armor
<Random enchantment>
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 6
Item Level 11
Equip: Increases PvE Power by 38.
Sell Price: 40

Random Enchantments


8 - 10Azuremyst IsleA HHumanoid
34 - 35Swamp of SorrowsA HDragonkin
6 - 7MulgoreA HBeast
8TeldrassilA HHumanoid
8 - 9Eversong WoodsA HHumanoid
9 - 10Eversong WoodsA HHumanoid
8 - 10Eversong WoodsA HHumanoid
Ana'thek the Cruel
<Skullsplitter Chief>
45Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
GhostlandsA HUndead
Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid
11 - 12GhostlandsA HElemental
22Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid
24Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
7 - 8DurotarA HBeast
11MulgoreA HBeast
8 - 9MulgoreA HHumanoid
7 - 8MulgoreA HHumanoid
WetlandsA HHumanoid
7 - 9Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst IsleA HBeast
24Redridge MountainsA HBeast
15WestfallA HHumanoid
19 - 20Loch ModanA HHumanoid
Stranglethorn ValeA HBeast
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HBeast
6 - 7Dun MoroghA HBeast
16 - 17Loch ModanA HBeast
17 - 18Redridge MountainsA HDragonkin
23 - 24WetlandsA HNot specified
24 - 25DuskwoodA HBeast
25 - 26DuskwoodA HBeast
20 - 21WetlandsA HNot specified
24 - 25DuskwoodA HBeast
13 - 14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
12 - 13GhostlandsA HHumanoid
12 - 14GhostlandsA HHumanoid
24 - 25Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
19 - 20Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
20 - 21Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
21 - 22Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
22 - 23
Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
23Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid
11 - 12Bloodmyst IsleA HHumanoid
12 - 13Bloodmyst IsleA HHumanoid
11 - 13Bloodmyst IsleA HHumanoid
12 - 13DarkshoreA HHumanoid
19 - 20DarkshoreA HHumanoid
17 - 18DarkshoreA HHumanoid
18 - 19DarkshoreA HHumanoid
16 - 17DarkshoreA HHumanoid
13 - 14DarkshoreA HHumanoid
9 - 10Tirisfal GladesA HUndead
44 - 45TanarisA HBeast
9 - 10TeldrassilA HHumanoid
8 - 9TeldrassilA HHumanoid
11TeldrassilA HHumanoid
8 - 9TeldrassilA HHumanoid
9TeldrassilA HHumanoid
9 - 10TeldrassilA HHumanoid
41 - 42Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
40 - 41Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
40 - 41Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
41 - 42Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
40 - 41Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
40 - 41Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
33 - 34Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
34 - 35Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
36 - 37Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
36 - 37Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
34 - 35Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
34 - 35Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
33 - 34Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
34 - 35Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
33 - 34Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
33 - 34Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
37Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
16 - 17Silverpine ForestA HBeast
8 - 10DurotarA HBeast
6 - 8DurotarA HBeast
18 - 19A HElemental
50 - 51
AzsharaA HDragonkin
18 - 19A HElemental
18 - 19A HElemental
22 - 23WetlandsA HHumanoid
23 - 24WetlandsA HHumanoid
20 - 21WetlandsA HHumanoid
25 - 26WetlandsA HHumanoid
21 - 22WetlandsA HHumanoid
28 - 29Wetlands, Arathi HighlandsA HHumanoid
24 - 25WetlandsA HHumanoid
26 - 27DuskwoodA HUndead
35Stranglethorn ValeA HHumanoid
Boss Galgosh
<Stonesplinter Chieftain>
Rare Elite
Loch ModanA HHumanoid
Rare Elite
WestfallA HHumanoid
28 - 29DuskwoodA HUndead
WestfallA HHumanoid
16Loch ModanA HHumanoid
9 - 10MulgoreA HHumanoid
10 - 11Bloodmyst IsleA HHumanoid
8 - 9Azuremyst IsleA HHumanoid
10 - 11Bloodmyst IsleA HHumanoid


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